Tuesday, 19 April 2016


Hi Woodsy,  All of my adult life I've had an odd passion for collecting a few things from bygone times, including telephones.  I've attached pix of a couple of old phones and rusty telephone signs which I've been fortunate enough to find and enjoy over the years. You're welcome you use them to illustrate your article if you wish. 

My fave is the vintage black bakelite, with the amber light near the handset.  At some point in the past this phone was customised and used as a  'backstage' theatre phone. It's dated 1943.  I've never wanted to clean it. I  prefer instead to leave it covered in its original theatre dust and greasepaint.  To remove its history would just be wrong. Ah, if only it could talk... what tales it would tell of life during the war years!

Best Wishes, Tony K


  1. have you shown Phoney Tony your suitcase mobile phone woodsy ?

    1. This is such a lovely collection Tony has I don't want to ruin it with a modern contraption! O'll post pics of it sometime.

  2. Hi Woodsy and Bill. Please post pix of the suitcase mobile Woodsy. I'd really like to see it. Some early ones are nostalgic in there own right and very different to todays mobiles.

    1. sorry... I mean 'their' own right... ddrrrr
