Thursday, 7 April 2016


Continuing the mini-theme of oriental arts here are three Kung Fu paperback books I devoured when I was a wee young lad. 

Published by Warner, these were the three tie-ins to the popular TV series starring David Carradine as the Shaolin Monk traveller Kwai Chang Caine, 

The role had originally destined been for Bruce Lee. Bruce, who had played Kato in the original US Green Hornet series, was sadly deemed to look just too oriental by TV execs, so missed the chance of more US TV.

The character of Kwai Chang Caine was closely followed in the Shaolin literary stakes by comic Kung Fu masters Shang Shi ,Yang, the Deadly Hands of Kung Fu and many more iron fists of certain death.

I had the pleasure of seeing David Carradine in the flesh at the NEC in England around 2005.

I couldn't understand the answers because I forgot to ask any questions!

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