Wednesday, 27 April 2016


Another popular Green Hornet collectable was the 1/32 scale plastic kit of the Black Beauty produced by Aurora Plastics in 1966.  Polar Lights, using the same tooling re-released the same kit in 1998.

Aurora had a direct involvement in the TV series, as the company built the smaller scale models of Britt Reid’s everyday Chrysler 300 convertible and The Black Beauty for the sequence showing Reid’s garage floor revolving revealing the Green Hornet’s sedan underneath.  This work was done in exchange for the licencing rights for the kit of The Black Beauty.

The model is a fairly simple build. I started by lightly sanding the body with a very fine sandpaper prior to priming. The edge of the rubber tyres also needed a sanding too. As the kit is 99% black, I sprayed everything on the sprues for ease, and brushed a dark wash on the chrome parts to tone them down.

I added some detail to the dashboard, and the rear compartment, but to be honest you can’t really see much inside once everything is put together.  It would have been nice if Aurora (or Polar Lights) had included figures, but considering the scale is 1/32 I don’t suppose it would be too hard  to make up a couple of custom ones.

The front lights are a bane of contention as the kit uses the standard white single lenses on each side ( as seen on some publicity photos), rather than the twin infra-green type each side which are generally seen on screen. Although, as the lights are supposed to revolve depending on which type are needed it’s not technically wrong, it’s just that the infra-green type look better.

The chrome wheel hubs are something else which loses out in the accuracy stakes. Using the dark wash helps to highlight some of the detail, but it’s still a long way from the hubs seen on screen.

The model features protruding radiator grill gas gun, extended rear laser, and banks of missiles front and back, which are all permanent fixtures.

Overall, despite the model’s shortcomings I'm happy with it as a display model, although I think a scale of 1/25 would have been a better size. 

There's very little difference between the Aurora and Polar Lights boxes.


  1. I read your article with great interest and noticed it is titled, "GREEN HORNET PART 6" Where might I find articles 1-5? Thank you!

    1. Thanks for the comment. I've now added links to the previous posts for you and anyone else who might be interested.

    2. I see around twos coming out with the 125th scale Black beauty model kit next year

  2. I like what you've done with the backdrop. You've set Britt's car in the mean streets of film noir. It works really well, Scoop :)

    1. Thanks Tony, I'm pleased you like it. I've seen some fine photos of the kit on other sites, but I just wanted to do something a little bit different.

  3. Beautiful stills Scoop! That's one gorgeous model you've made. It's rapidly becoming my favourite TV car thanks to your posts! Out of interest, do you know if Scalextric made a Black Beauty? I think there maybe a tin plate toy as well from Argentina or Brazil, maybe CHIBI or BICHI.

    1. here's that tin Black Beauty but its by ASC of Japan and unlicensed.

    2. Thanks Woodsy. The tin Black Beauty knock off is a bit like the South American Thrushbuster knock off, isn't it. It's obviously influenced by the Corgi toy - It would be nice to add it to the collection, though : D

      Aurora did a slot car of the Black Beauty in the sixties, and Polar Lights released something similar not long back, but I'm afraid I don't know if Scalextric ever did one.

    3. Aurora, that's it Scoop. It must look great zooming down a slot car track chasing some bad guys!

    4. Nice job on the car I like the final top look and the whole car looks good 😊

  4. Nice model!

    For green lights, you could take Humbrol metallic green and just use the liquid, not the flaky sediment on the bottom of the tin if you don't shake it. You'll have a green varnish then, similar to the yellow used on 'golden' Spacex astronauts. Just try it on some sprue and see if you like it?

    Best -- Paul

    1. Nice idea Paul, it would probably work. The lights that come with the model aren't the proper twin infra green type unfortunately.
      I have given the single ones a slight lime green tinge but as they're behind a piece of thick clear plastic it doesn't really show. If I make another one I might think about fitting LED's
