Saturday, 2 April 2016


Last week I had the pleasure of seeing two excellent films, one old and one new.

Batman V Superman is the new Zack Snyder DC mega-scrap and if like me you like city-flattening super hero action its a real blast. No spoilers here, get down to the cinema!

Don't be Afraid of the Dark was a Seventies made-for-TV horror movie shown last week on the Horror Channel. Having seen the Del Toro remake I was keen to see the original. It revolves around something nasty living in the cellar, a posse of small demonic creatures. The original was better.

Having seen both films within 24 hours I couldn't help noticing the similarity of the two leading ladies; Amy Adams as Lois Lane and Kim Derby as the beleaguered homeowner in Don't.

Pictured above for your viewing pleasure.

Anyone else seen either of these movies?


  1. DBAOTD was a really simple premise and achieved in Land of the Giants style with big props and people in suits, but the way it was shot and voiced creeped the hell out of me. Very simple idea, playing on our primal childhood fear of the thing under the bed. Del Toro naturally grossed it out with excessive horror and nastiness and showed too much. The original is streets ahead.

  2. DBAOTD was a really simple premise and achieved in Land of the Giants style with big props and people in suits, but the way it was shot and voiced creeped the hell out of me. Very simple idea, playing on our primal childhood fear of the thing under the bed. Del Toro naturally grossed it out with excessive horror and nastiness and showed too much. The original is streets ahead.

    1. Yes the creatures in the Seventies version of DBAOTD are awesome. Like dried parsnip heads, very pagan looking and really creepy. Weren't the creatures in Del Toro's remake interested in gathering teeth or is that another film?
