Friday, 8 April 2016


Its another Friday night nostalgia quiz: TWO answers per reader in the comments please. You can do it!

  1. The name of the toy company that made the famous Disintegrator space gun?
  2. Which actor leads the gang of vampires in the Lost Boys?
  3. What fluid is Tooms partial to in the X-Files?
  4. The phrase 'one sheet' generally refers to what in the world of collecting?
  5. What object flattens the street at the end of the Donnie Darko movie?
  6. What's the name of the inmate in the cell next door to Hannibal in Silence of the Lambs film?
  7. Which is the odd one out: scout 3, Task Force 2, Probe Force 4, Scout 2?
  8. Name the substance which allegedly manifests itself at seances?
  9. What have TV's Longstreet, The Green Hornet and Marlow all got in common?
  10. Which fruit was aimed at in the TV show The Golden Shot?
  11. In the famous TV chocolate ad finish off the first line "The Milky Bar kid is ........."
  12. If I said Ballroom Blitz, Papa Joe and Little Willy what would I be talking about?
  13. Who was the main character in the US TV show Dark Shadows?
  14. What did TV's Flipper, Skippy and Daktari all have in common?
  15. How would you make the soft drink Rise and Shine?
  16. What family aspect do the following toy companies have in common: Hasbro, Bing, Lines/Tri-ang?
  17. In which film is the lead character's catchphrase "I knew you'd say that!"?
  18. The Hammer Horror Plague of the Zombies is set in which county?
  19. Finish off the 1989 Jack Nicholson Joker's quip " Never rub another man's ......?"
  20. What is it that first knocks the ball bearing out of the bucket down the steps in Marx's Mouse Trap game?


  1. 3 Tooms ate victims' livers so not sure what fluid, could be lots of different enzymes.
    10 apples

    1. 3 I'll give that Kev, Livers = bile.
      10 spot on!

  2. #12 You're talking about songs by The Sweet.#19 Rhubarb!

  3. 1. Pyrotomic Disintegrator by Pyro
    7. Probe Force 4 does not exist (yet at least)

  4. 4 movie posters
    8 Ectoplasm

  5. Replies
    1. That's it Wotan, all bro's. You get another go!

  6. Replies
    1. who you calling an old boot! ha ha. That's the one. After a bit of winding of cogs, the boot wellies the bucket and off the ball goes. My fave bit is the diver. I love that guy! Would make a brilliant mascot for a car!
