Saturday, 16 April 2016


I used to see these boxed cake candle trains all the time at car boot sales in the 1990's. I even bought a whole mint lot and sold them on my toy stall at toy fairs as they appealed both to the miniature train and the novelty toy collector.

I always found the neat combination of the box and the item really nice particularly as everything is in miniature.

A similar set turned up again on a blister card. It's interesting but it doesn't hold a candle to the boxed set!

You can even get the set nowadays but the box seems to have gone up in a puff of smoke..

Would small plastic novelties like these appeal to you readers?


  1. Hi Woodsy, Yes, personally I like the bright colours and simple design. Something reassuring about these old style small plastic novelties in an age of computer gaming. In a nice way it kinda makes me think of the Magic Roundabout train.

    1. It does like the Magic Roundabout train Tony! As for computer gaming, I have never played a single one. It has passed me by completely. Probably because I'm a cave man really!

  2. I used to collect what I call 'tiny trains' back in the day and these would have fit the bill nicely. Somewhere in The Cave are a few remnants of the collection.

    1. Being a cave man, I'd be right at home in your cave Ed!
