Saturday, 12 March 2016

Thunderbirds are gone, again.

It seems like the Thunderbirds magazine has finally reached the point where it goes from being a 'must have' to a 'musn't bother'. Issue six, almost two weeks late due to a problem with the covermount, carried the last of the six Thunderbird vehicle models. Sadly, my hopes for a miniature mole or FAB have been dashed, whether it was a decision made after the production problems hampered distribution, or simply the long term plan, from issue 7, the free gift resorts to the standard trash aimed at the under tens, stickers, badges and stationery.

But its been a good run, starting with a reasonable TB1, there followed a succession of quite excellent models of 2, 3, 4 and the really well designed 5. The final model bearing issue available this month, was a slightly disappointing Thunderbird Shadow, comprising a slightly smaller model and a pack of rubbish stickers.

Scale varies considerably, with TB4 so large it almost fits neatly in the supersize pod. The models appear to be a superior casting to the Vivid Image diecasts and in some respects, a lot bigger. I look forward to seeing how they compare to the Takara Tomy versions.


  1. I like all of these models and they are at least easy to find room to display!

  2. Gorgeous collection Bill. Like SpaceX all over again!

  3. Yep, even I can display these! Very Spacex, small inexpensive and cool

  4. I'd hoped they'd do a FAB 1, but I'll buy issue #6 and then give up on it. The mag is rubbish anyway.
