Saturday, 13 February 2016


Reliving one of the traditions of my youth, Missus Moonbase and I today went up town. It's something I used to do every Saturday.

Having feasted in a Polish restaurant we then sauntered round Wakefield town centre. One of the most interesting stops was an antiques and collectables emporium inside one of the shopping centres, which I thought was an excellent location for second hand goods. It was busy!

Amidst the usual pyrex dishes and tiffany lamps were some die-casts in a cabinet [are they ever anywhere else?]. Gleaming at the back of the shelf was something straight from my past. I adored it as a kid and seeing it again sent me zooming along memory lane with the sun roof down!

I'm talking about the metallic green Corvette Stingray die-cast by Corgi. This one in fact currently on the bay:

There was also a metallic pink version but I preferred the green. I know it had detachable tyres and roof but it was the colour that held my attention as a kid. In fact all the metallic paint jobs of the day just blew me away, especially Hot Wheels, Corgi Rockets and random gleamers issued by both Corgi and Dinky.

One area that still puzzles me though is whether I had any Mattel Sizzlers or Topper Johnny Lightnings as a kid. Were they even available in the UK in the Sixties?

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