Wednesday, 17 February 2016


Being a big fan of British adventure comics from the sixties and seventies, some years ago I had a brief ambition to draw or maybe script my own comic strip ideas. I did write to D C Thompson with some ideas for their Commando pocketbook. They were kind enough to write back with what they wanted, with emphasis on correct spelling and grammar, and above all avoid clichés.

Of course, I really wanted to draw and script space stories, and did create a character called Frank Masters, a space patrolman who worked for the Interplanetary Security Commission. He and his co-pilot, Diane Travers would patrol the Solar System in the space cruiser North Star.

They were like the old law enforcing U.S. Marshalls who travelled the vast lands of the pioneering days of the old Wild West keeping some sort of order in the lawless wastes of space and the colonised planets.

I sent that idea off to the editors of 2000 AD, who promptly returned it unread, with a covering letter telling me what they wanted, with emphasis on correct spelling and grammar, and above all avoid clichés!

Well thinking back I’m not sure how my spelling or grammar held up, but I’m pretty sure I was so much influenced by all my favourite comic, TV and film characters, that my story was probably jam packed full of dreaded clichés.

Even though a career in comics never happened for me, I still have that script and some of the panels I drew all those years ago, and maybe one day I’ll dust it off and have another go.

I know some of you are lucky enough to have realised your dreams of  professionally writing or drawing comics, and for that I take my hat off to you. It can’t have been easy.  


  1. That's magnificent, Mike!

    A huge pity they sent those (ultimately discouraging) form letters; I'd like to think that if they'd seen this result they would've changed their mind. A loss to us all...

    Best -- Paul

    1. Thanks for those kind words Paul.
      Like a lot of people I'm quite critical of my own amateur artwork and always feel I could have done better, so encouragement from someone like yourself is always welcome.

    2. Don't be too hard on yourself, Mike, it looks pretty damn good to me. :)

      If you've actually finished that story, then why not make it available as a pdf? Or publish it in installments on the blog here? Coz I'd love to read it in full!

      Best -- Paul

    3. I did finish the script, so I suppose that's not a bad idea doing it in instalments on the blog, Paul, with the odd accompanying illustration maybe. Although I warn you, I haven't read it in a long time! ; )

  2. Don't give up on it Scoop. You've got the creative ability. Love what you've done with Frank Masters. Every bit as good as I've seen in comics. Stick with it!

    1. Thanks also for those kind words Tony. I wish I'd had a more positive self belief and temerity to have pushed a little harder at the time, but life's full of 'what if's' isn't it. But, as you imply it's never too late, so you never know. ; )

  3. It looks champion Scoop, really ace. I'm sure 2000 AD contained a few cliches! Your artwork is superb, bright and interesting. I second Paul's suggestion to serialise it on the blog. A great idea. Put Comic Masters or something as the label and we can put ot on the side-bar as a link to the whole serial maybe.

    1. Thanks Woodsy. I might just dust off the script and see what I can do : D
