Tuesday, 2 February 2016


I've blogged about larger friction toy vehicles many times [here and here]. I've included large plastic versions of the Popeye Paddle Wagon, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the Bat Boat. There's just something fascinating about them.

Well, after another trawl through the murky depths of the oceanic web, here are a few more larger toy vehicles that tickled my fancy.

First up is this cool Spanish version of something we've seen before, especially as it has Gerry Anderson credentials: the Trans Continental Express, which appeared in Stingray [you can read about this and more on the blog here].

This AUTOBUS A FRICCION was made in Spain by JYESA toys and is model number 252.

Next up we have another Spanish  example, an A Team van, El Gruppo De Accion con Friccion. The blue toy van doesn't look much like the one on the box so I'm unsure if  its the real thing.

Spain again, this time the nicely boxed CARRO ARMADO or Armoured Tank by Sanchis.

Sanchis again, the CANON AUTOPROPULSADO or Self Propelled Canon in an excellent photo-art box

and the related HELICOPTERE AUTOSPACIAL by Sanchis. Note the Self Propelled Canon [above] on the lovely photo box-art.

and finally the over to the USA and perhaps my favourite from this plastic assortment, the BEVERLY HILLBILLIES CAR by Ideal no less. From 1963, what a fabulous rendition of the Oldsmobile Model 46 Roadster it is! So colourful and plasticcy! I want one!

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