Sunday, 31 January 2016


Like Woodsy,  I'm always pleased to see recognisable toys on TV, especially if they were sometimes in on the action.  Woodsy's already pointed out Action Man's capsule in UFO, but who remembers the fleeting glimpse of the Action Man Scorpion Tank in Tom Baker's début Doctor Who story 'Robot'.

These are some other examples of recognisable toys I remember seeing in TV programmes, but I'll bet you lot can recall a few others?

Here's an early episode of The Saint starring Sir Roger Moore. In the aptly titled 'The Man Who Liked Toys', simple Simon Templar is playing with a Quercetti Fireball XL5 toy.

We all know that Gerry Anderson's TV series used many toys, mostly heavily disguised and dirtied down, however I remember Woodsy pointing out Tri-ang's Big Big Train toy  and the fact it's easily recognizable as 'The Last Train to Buffer's Halt' in the Secret Service TV series.

The BBC liked to use  toy Daleks during crowd scenes. Although The Power of The Daleks doesn't exist in the BBC archive, there are snippets that show toy Daleks made by Herts being used during a famous Dalek  production line scene.

  Marx Daleks appeared in The Evil of The Daleks and later, in The Planet of The Daleks, all doomed to be destroyed!

However,  when they're not part of the action Marx Daleks did make other cameo's - in The Avengers for example.

Most cult TV fans will remember the Avengers  episode 'Death At Bargain Prices', which featured several cult toys of the time.

Here's a couple of Pelham  puppets of Steve Zodiac and Venus, slightly altered to resemble Steed and Mrs Peel.

Mrs Peel goes undercover as a toy sales assistant. You can just see some Marx Daleks hanging on the wall.

Another Marx Dalek and what could be a Remco Supercar toy. It's certainly got a Supercar look about it. You can also see a box in the background with Tri-ang Toys written on it too.

Woodsy has identified the tin plate Supercar knock off  from a photo on  the Vectis site.

It's described as an Interplanetary Space Fighter from TN toys of Japan. Nice one.

Here's Steed using a ping-pong ball firing Burp gun toy.

Here's an ad featuring the Burp gun.

Burp guns also turned up in an episode of Here Come The Double Deckers.In 'The Invaders from Space' , actors in Moon Zero Two spacesuits fire candy using the air-powered toy tommy guns.

Here come The Double Deckers also featured an episode called' ' The Case of The Missing Doughnut', with much of the action taking place in a toy shop.

The shop keepers above, played by Julian Orchard and Jack Haig.
You can see a Computacar made by Mettoy on the shelf behind them.

Can you spot the couple of Matt Mason Crawlers on the counter.

Actually the shop set is full of Matt Mason toys, along with a few from Tri-ang.

The Matt Mason Space Station above, and Captain Lazer dolls below.

You can see some Matt Mason bubblepacks  on the wall next to Jack Haig.

And even more Matt Mason Bubblepacks.

Finally, for Gerry Anderson collectors, a Dinky Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle amongst some other Dinky toys.

I'm sure if any of you lot ever watch this episode you'd spot even more than I did.

Moving across the pond, American TV series occasionally featured toys too.

The second season Lost in Space episode 'The Mechanical Men featured an army of Remco B-9 robot toys menacing Doctor Smith, in a blatant bit of product placement.

The Man from Uncle episode 'The Double Affair featured two Robot Commando toys made by Ideal.

Footage from the Double Affair, which was  originally shown in black and white, but was filmed in colour was reused for the UNCLE theatrical feature, The Spy With My Face.

Now to a  toy that I've featured on Moonbase Central in the past - the Bristol 188 Jet, made by Marx.

This toy with a different paint job turned up in the Batman TV series episode ' The Puzzles Are Coming', featuring Maurice Evans as the Puzzler.

"Commissioner, I think I've seen this toy on Moonbase Central"


  1. Now that is just stupendous! The post of the year so far! How do you remember all these things Scoop? Encyclopeadic you are [Yoda speak!]. Somewhere there'll be SWORD and SpaceX toys in a TV show too! As for the Avengers, I saw an episode this week where the chap who did Captain Scarlet's voice miniaturised vehicles and ended up with toys he could stuff in his pocket! Can't recall the name of the episode though!

    1. Mission Highly Improbable , Woodsy.Francis Matthews is the baddie.

    2. While I can't recall seeing a Sword or Spacex toy in a TV programme, the Airfix Starcruiser kit turns up on a desk in the additional scenes shot for the Space 1999 theatrical feature Alien Attack.

  2. A wonderful piece of research Scoop. I was pleasantly surprised by how many favourite toys made guest appearances in these popular old shows. Very enjoyable reading :)

    1. Thanks for the comments, Tony, I'm pleased you liked it.

  3. if only there were toys shops like that Double Decker one now. I cansee alsorts in there, Topper E-Type, Kosmic Kiddles, Battling Tops and Spacenik on the counter. Just seeing Matt Mason blister cards on the wall takes me back. I thought that first shot of the Scorpion was your back garden Mike!

    1. I knew you'd spot a few more goodies in there, Bill. The Matt Mason stuff looks great doesn't it. There are more examples of MM stuff in the episode that I've not shown - the Firebolt Space Cannon and the Uni-Tred and Space Bubble for example.

      The funny thing is I did have a Scorpion Tank up to a few years ago - I wish I still had it now ; (

  4. I can see the Uni-Tred and Firebolt, just out of shot. Youve got a Giant Robot, so I assumed the Scorpion may have been your sons!

    1. You know what I'm like so it is a fair assumption Bill.

      You're right, you can just see a part of the cannon and the Uni-Tred on the Captain Lazer screen grab.

  5. What a listing Scoop, I am in awe!

    Completely agree with Bill - where are such toy shops nowadays?

    Re: MMM in Double Deckers - I did a write-up for that ages ago for John Eaton's WildToys site, including a clip off a tape another collector managed to do me. You'll find it at the end of a page with more MMM appearances here:

    Scorpion Tank: the one from my childhood (bought at Hamley's in Regent St and proudly carried on my lap while flying back to Schiphol) didn't survive but I did get another when the boys where young and into Action Man. It outclassed any vehicle their friends had :) But I haven't seen it for awhile, so I do hope it's still under my roof...

    Best -- Paul

    1. Its just a rough list as its more or less what I remember. I'm reliably informed from a mate that the Burp gun turns up in the early seventies sitcom 'Please Sir', and a Mego Wonder Woman doll turns up in the Wonder Woman TV series, but I don't recall those.

      I remember the Double Deckers shop episode quite clearly when it was first shown here in the UK all those years ago, and recognizing the Matt Mason stuff then, as I had some of it at the time. But my favourite was the' Invaders from Space' episode with the spacemen and the Burp guns - Ah happy days!

  6. I would put screen shots up from the Please Sir episode 'Peace in Our Time' but there's no option to put pics here : )

    1. Just send them to me Andy and I'll add them :)

  7. I recall Space Patrol (1950 TV series), using their own toy merch as props in later episodes. Like, obvious folded cardboard helmets with no faceplate. But they were pretty short on props at the best of times, it looked like they only had two ray guns, a rifle and a pistol, and they had to keep switching them round.
