Friday, 29 January 2016


Regular readers will know that I love nothing more than spotting old toys on the TV. Here are a few more I've seen with the help of t' interweb.

In the 1960's, like many British kids, our true education was from the telly and nothing made our brains bigger than Blue Peter. The classic combo during my childhood were Peter Purves, Valerie Singleton and John Noakes pictured below. The trio always had a fascinating assortment of odds and ends on the shelves behind them. Here's one picture showing what looks like a large plastic tractor and a rhinoceros among others. Anyone any idea what they are? Have you spotted any more Blue Peter shelf toys?


Eagle-eyed reader Paul V thinks he's ID'd the tractor: possibly this Massey Harris 745 plastic one by Raphael Lipkin Toys, who went on to do work with Tri-ang on SpaceX II. Aucioneers Vectis consider it to be 'scarce'.

picture: vectis

Second are these fab toys seen in the 1972 Steven Spielberg classic movie "Duel". They appear when the afflicted driver phones home and the camera reveals his kid's playing. I recognise the orange Helicopter as the Super Copter pictured below. It was made by Tarheel of the USA among many other companies.

Not being a robot collector I don't know the name of the robot. Can anyone help? The kids are aslo doing something on the floor. I think its cutting out with scissors but I'm not sure.


Keen-eyed American reader Richard has ID'd the robot as most likely this Attacking Martian. Robotapedia describes them as having endless variations over a very long period of manufacture. I think I had one as a kid too!

Next up is another peek into General Henderson's office in the UFO TV series episode "Conflict". We've looked at the shelf next to his desk before containing a Gemini capsule and Major Matt Mason Power Limbs but what on earth is that thing to the left behind Colonel Foster in his red jacket?


Hawk-eyed reader Yorkie spotted that the thingy at the rear of Paul Foster is actually the model of the OTC Space Station from the Joe 90 TV episode 'Most Special Astronaut'. Yay! Here's a really poor screen grab I made of it. Anyone got a better one or know the history of the model? Who designed it?

Finally we re-visit Mark's glorious bedroom of monster toys from the wonderful Salem's Lot movie starring David Soul of Starsky and Hutch fame. Mark's room is just like mine and stuffed to the rafters with ghouls and goblins. Even his Dad's disapproving look is just like my own Dad's!

The room never ceases to please and tonight I've spotted something fabulous from my own past and something I absolutely adored with a passion. Yes, I'm talking about the rubber severed hand hung up on his wall next to the Don Post masks. 

Having crawled out of my life years ago I have been looking for another one for ages. For nostalgic authenticity I would need a genuine 1970's example and not one of the multitude of severed hands made since then for Halloween especially. I came across this image online of a boxed hand and it might just be the one. It certainly looks like Mark's in Salem's Lot.

I can also see an Aladin's lamp on the side of a box on the table. Thought it might have been the PIFCO nursery lamp but it has a different box. I thought the skull puppet on the table might have been Blade from Puppet Master, below, but that's just too late - Puppet Master was only released in 1989! I shall have to consult the tomes. 

The tall robot to the right is of course Big Loo by Marx from 1963. Anyone lucky enough to have had one?

What else can you see in Mark's room readers - what are the boxes on the floor, a magic set and ? - and have you spotted any other vintage toys on TV shows or films? I would welcome them for the blog. Contact details at the very bottom of the page.


  1. Re the Duel robot, here he is in a more recent acting role:

    1. Hey Richard, that;s it! The Attacking Martian! You know, I think I may had one as well! I recall its chest guns popping out like that and the translucent green windows on its front. BTW has all the snow melted in NYC? Are you OK?

    2. We could use an army of robots with chest-mounted heat guns to clear the streets of all the melting slush!

  2. The tractor could very well be a Massey Harris model by Lipkin. See lot nr 1578 here
    (I knew about his Nuffield tractor, but now discovered he made (an)other(s) as well. thanks :)

    Best -- Paul

  3. Behind Paul Foster is the OTC space station model from the Joe 90 episode 'Most Special Astronaut'. Not a toy.

  4. Thanks Paul and Yorkie, both your suggestions have been added to the post. Well spotted. Nice one!
