Saturday, 30 January 2016

In Deep, Far Out


  1. Lovely photo's Bill. Reminiscent of a Sci Fi story picture book. Its a beautiful toy that TB3. Reminds me of sugar candy. Good enough to eat! You have Terry to thank for that donation to the Bulloch fleet. It came with some Captain Scarlet toys he got and not being a TB collector he thought of Moonbase Central.

  2. thats the look I was aiming for, the trashy NEL sci fi pulp look. Yes, hopefully Terry will see this, it is an absolute doozy!

  3. Yep, NEL. What a great publisher. I reckon your pics would make be a neat album cover as well. Vintage toys on LP covers is a sub-genre in itself!

  4. I can't see the fourth picture for some odd reason.
