Tuesday, 8 December 2015


We discussed Wimpy Bars and burgers a while back. Andy B has sent me this pic of Wimpy from the Popeye TV cartoon. Andy thinks the Burger bar's name derives from Popeye's friend Wimpy, who always guzzled hamburgers.

What do you think readers?


  1. Definitely yes. A burger restaurant called Wimpy's Grill first opened in Chicago in 1934, when Popeye was a national sensation and there would have been no question in anyone's mind who "Wimpy" was. The proprietor of Wimpy's Grill then licensed the name to the UK chain...which was a neat trick considering he never got permission from E.C. Segar or King Features to use the name himself!

  2. The hilight of a saturday
    Afternoon if you were good.
    A wimpy and chips followed by a knickerbocker glory!

  3. Cheers Richard, that's settled it. Its a shame really because Wimpy were the first Burger bar on the scene in the UK and they just never made the most of that advantage, I woulnd,'t know where the nearest one to me is now if any at all.

    And yes Tony, a meal for a King! Knickerbocker Glory, now that's a dessert!
