Monday, 28 December 2015


Woodsy mentioned Bill Cushenbery's Silhouette custom car during a comment on my post about Catwoman's Kitty Car yesterday, so I thought I'd do a little piece on it.

The Silhouette was Bill's first scratch-built custom car, and was entered into the 1963 Grand National Roadster Show, winning first prize.

The bad news for custom car fans is that The Silhouette was apparently stolen in Bakersfield, California in 1983 and has sadly never been found.

Hot Wheels models of The Silhouette.

Gerry Anderson fans have an interest in The Silhouette too.  The plastic kit of the Silhouette did feature in several Thunderbirds episodes.

Here's a few screen grabs of the many appearances of The Silhouette in Thunderbirds,

 Parts of the kit turned up in other places too. Notice the Silhouette's bubble shaped windscreen covering the cabin at the front of the Master Elevator Car from episode,' Trapped In The Sky'.


  1. Great post Scoop! How do you know all this stuff? I loved the Hot Wheels Silhouette and it reminds me of the Hot Rod Draguar, my NO.1 favourite Matchbox car. I remember drawing it in detail on some graph paper when I was 10 lead on the sofa off school ill! Wish I still had the car and the drawing! Do you think it's a version of the Silhouette?

    1. Hi Woodsy, the Hot Rod Draguar with it's bubble windshield and exposed engine does bear a passing resemblance to the Silhouette, and certianly looks cool, but why mess with it's unmistakable E-Type jag body. It looks like its speeding when its standing still :D

  2. Fantastic piece of info Scoop. I love reading this surprisingly scarce stuff. Regards Tony K :D

    1. Thanks Tony, glad you're liking it. : D

  3. It's funny to me that the Andersons' looked at that design and though, "Police car!"
