Saturday, 21 November 2015


The latest TAG episode, Heist Society is one which quite a few fans of both the classic and re booted series have been looking forward to. It was written by screenwriter  Peter Briggs,  who apart from being of big fan of the  original Thunderbirds,  is probably best known  as being  script co-writer for the film 'Hellboy'.

The teaser opens with the Tracy boys'  discussing a trip being made by Lady Penelope and Professor Moffat (Brains' old friend from previous episode,  Heavy Metal) aboard the underwater train,  The Reykjavik Express.

Lady P and the Professor are making the trip to a Global Defence Force facility in Iceland, and are carrying  a newly discovered particle  named  'Centurion two-one' (nice touch , Peter).

Naturally,  the forces of evil have their eyes on it - well, one pair of eyes actually. I think you can guess who!

Anyway,  the plot, which many might think  gives a passing nod  to original series episode,  ' The Perils of Penelope ', is full of action and innovative ideas. ( Is there anything Fab 1 can't do! ) 


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