Sunday, 15 November 2015

The Boy from Uncle

A seven year old Celtica station manager, Bill Everrat, sporting the Man from Uncle Signet Ring and Corgi Uncle patrol car. Also featuring the regulation Uncle anorak and squirting bow tie!


  1. A classic photograph Bill and Bill. Could only be the 1960's. Clicking the Thrushbuster was heaven itself, And no sign of SMERSH!

  2. Is that the Marx Quilted Secret Special Counterspy Classified Deluxe Trench coat you're wearing Bill?

  3. Bow ties are cool! - I recall that coat was really warm and comfortable. Sadly I didn't get as much wear out of it as I'd have liked as I outgrew it.

    Great days, with Thunderbirds second series, cinema film and SWORD still yet to come!

  4. What a decade! We wuz blessed!
