Tuesday, 3 November 2015


Back in the late 1970's when Star Wars was riding high on the first flush of success I remember mention of a Holiday Special being shown on TV somewhere. 

It featured a Wookie family at home I think and may have gone out at Christmas like the new Awakens film this year.

Anyone actually see the Star Wars Holiday Special back then?


I have actually watched half of this on You Tube now. I will let you know if I watch the other half before passing verdict!


  1. What a coincidence: I was just having a long e-mail correspondence about that special a couple of days ago with a friend who's never seen it.

    Yes, I watched it when it aired on broadcast television in November 1978. And I watched it a second time last week on YouTube. And I genuinely like it, in a non-ironic way. Yes, a few bits in it are "what were they thinking?" headscratchers...but some other parts are a lot of fun. Definitely stick around for the comedy sketch set in the Mos Eisley cantina, my favorite part.

  2. Things like the Star Wars Holiday special sure remind us the 70's were strange and the past is definitely a foreign country.
    I recall seeing it originally and thinking it a tad cheesie TV, seeing it again on video in the late 80's and wondering what they were thinking and catching some of it on Youtube in the past year or two and finding it a hilarious artifact of the past.

  3. Thanks for your comments guys. Yes, its definitely of its time and coming just one year after the original film it must surely be 'canon' [thought I'd have a go at using the word!]. I'm up to where Grandpa sits in a sort of virtual reality chair. Yet to see what he watches and the rest of the show.
