Wednesday, 18 November 2015


Holley High School, New York State, USA

Westminster, Texas, USA

Frank Beech Toy Shop, Holywell, North Wales, UK
[picture: Steve Wainwright]

To see the incredible story of what was found inside this abandoned toy store then read Iain Duff's incredible photo-story. Browsing the pictures I tried to find some Project SWORD and SpaceX - even the fabled Moon Base Set - but no joy. Maybe you'll have better luck! It is gobsmacking though! Tell us what you think!


  1. I hope Frank, Dorothy and Stanley are looking down, smiling and remembering bringing so much pleasure to kids of the past and treasure hunters of the present. A lovely read and a wonderful story.

  2. Haven't clicked the link yet, but that first photo is incredibly sad. It looks as if the toys are waiting for their owners to come and collect them, but that it's not likely to happen.

  3. Wouldn't we all love to find a toy store like the one in Wales. I do stop at any such shop that looks like it's been there for decades, and show pictures of Major Matt (before) and Spacex (now). No joy, though I did end up with some Lego catalogues and parts from when I was young which was also very good. :)

    Best -- Paul

  4. Meant to say that there's a toyshop in Millport in Scotland that's been trading in the same premises since 1946. (It's also a cycle shop.) I was last in it in 1968, when I bought a Golden Gate Steve Zodiac and Zoony on a Jetmobile. I got back over to Millport in 2014 for the first time in over 40 years and Mapes is still there. Unfortunately, it was after closing time, but I looked through the window and it seemed to be the same layout as back in '68. Got some photos of myself outside the shop, but I'm going to try and get back there before too long and get inside this time. (I might even buy something.) Look Mapes of Millport up on the internet and you'll see photos of the shop and what it sells.

  5. Yes, there's something sad about discarded toys. The old school in New York is asbestos-riddled and thus condemned. People sneak in and place old plush toys on the seats in the hall. which is an odd social phenomenon.

    I'll be checking out that Millport shop online Kid. One of the rwo new SWORD discoveries was in Scotland at Calander Toy Museum!

    Frank Beech's toy shop made the news at the time is was 'opened' up last year. I think Vectis Toy Auctions have been selling off much of the stock this past 12 months.

    1. Meant to mention that Mapes is still run by members of the same family that started the shop in 1946.
