Monday, 5 October 2015


I've just returned from the FABulous Fanderson weekender that took place at Maidenhead. Needless to say, I had a great time, met some super people, and enjoyed some first-hand recollections from some of the team who worked on those early Gerry Anderson productions.

First up was the pairing of Brian Johnson and Mike Trim who talked about special effects and models.

As many will know, Brian Johnson worked on Gerry Anderson's early puppet series, starting with Supercar, and finishing during Thunderbirds, when he left to work on Stanley Kubrick's, 2001: A Space Odyssey. He returned to work for the Andersons' in the early seventies, providing practical effects on The Protectors, before moving on to Space 1999.

Mike Trim joined A.P. Films in 1964, first working as a model maker, then as a designer assisting special effects director, Derek Meddings.  Aside from Anderson productions, Mike provided concept designs and cover art for Jeff Wayne's 1976 album, War of the Worlds.

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