Wednesday, 7 October 2015


Without a doubt the highlight for everyone at the F.I.F. convention was a rare appearance of special guest Sylvia Anderson.

Although I've been lucky enough to have previously seen Sylvia  at one of the Cult TV festivals and last year's Cosford event , she has never appeared at any Fanderson convention before, and generally I've always had the impression that her huge contribution to the Anderson series has been downplayed somewhat.

Well, I have to say as she spoke to the audience in the packed out room, everyone hung on her every word.

She was witty,entertaining and her reminiscences created nostalgic images in my mind's eye of those early days at A.P. Films, Century 21 and beyond.

I should also say that despite her declining years, her mind is still as sharp as a tack.  

Unsurprisingly,at the end of her talk she was given rapturous applause and a standing ovation, which apparently brought a tear to her eye.

A lovely lady.

Oh, and in case anyone's wondering, the blond lady behind Sylvia is her talented daughter, Dee.


  1. A poignant piece Scoop. Sylvia looks very happy. Lady Penelope has come home.

  2. You sure are right about that Woodsy. She was great, and it was quite an emotional experience for her - a lovely lady.
