Sunday, 18 October 2015


At Doncaster Toy Fair today I saw yet another variation of one my favourite 'classic' toys, the Coffin Bank. It was called the Horror Monster as pictured.

This bank has a whole skeleton exposed so I assume that both hands grab the coin. But it wasn't this that intrigued me, it was the box art.

First up they have lifted the MONSTER lettering from the classic Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine as you can see here on issue 35:

The grave serpent on the box has been lifted too.

Its from a Patrick Woodroffe painting called the Graveyard as pictured below. The skulls have been added on the box art.

Scoop also told me something fascinating about Coffin Banks but I'll let him tell you himself. Anyone got a Coffin Bank readers?


  1. Hi, I had this one when i was a kid: when you put the coin on it, skeleton raised both hands, then stood up (actually, more like sit-up), and grabbed the coin. Both hands moved, but only one taking the coin. Cheers

    1. Hi, that's fascinating. I've never seen one of the types in action so its good to know it actually sat up. Did you save much?

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/15/2020 11:12 pm

    Just saw this, the money box has 'Satan's Bank' on the side, which may not have gone down well with some parents.

    1. Ah. Yes. Parents' won't have liked the word Satan on there Paul I agree! Well spotted!
