Saturday, 3 October 2015


Having Europeans in the family has brought me into contact with some things I never came across as a kid in Britain.

In fact there's loads of stuff: TV shows, food, drinks, household items, types of entertainment and toys.

Here are just two:

Eiskonfekt or Ice Confectionary: 

basically these were small cups of chocolate wrapped in a coloured foil cup that were then put in the freezer to freeze. The chocolate itself reminds me of cooking chocolate but creamier. These 'sweets' came in a cellophane bag, which looked  like an icing piping bag in shape. An acquired taste but certainly different. Apart from choc ices, I had never had frozen chocolate before this.

Indoor Fireworks: 

these were boxes of fireworks for lighting indoors! Smaller than their outdoor cousins, there were snowstorms and roman candles for on the table top! Alas, to this day I have never actually seen any working, just heard about them.

You ever come across either of these readers?


  1. Yes, indoor fireworks were certainly about in the early 1960s at least. I don't remember any roman candles., There were various cardboard cut-outs which when lit produced a "smoking man" puffing his cigarette, a volcano erupting, and also a paper bag which when lit rose to the ceiling -loosely described as a "balloon"!
    They were a Christmas staple for a few years, but not really spectacular stuff. The sort of thing Ellisdons might have sold.

  2. They sound quaint Andy and quite nostalgic. I've never seen any. I did love Ellisdons though as a kid and regular;y sent off for novelty toys. Its what Postal Orders were invented for!
