Thursday, 15 October 2015


Star Wars always reminds me of a Shakespeare tragedy. There's a rebellious son, a dark father, a festering war, a great force, good, evil, love, hate, destiny, fate.......

Could old Bill have written it if he were around now? Would he recognise it as a space tragedy if he saw the film?

What do you think readers?


  1. 'nuff said buddy!

  2. and just in case you miss it - Fascinating as a certain green blooded sonofabitch might have once said lol!!

  3. or even Star Wars done Game of thrones style......ok I'm gonna stop now.

  4. Nice one Mike! I've verily blogged the ye olde first You Tuber link.

    As Yoda would say, chuckling am I.

    Never seen Game of Thrones alas poor Yoreth.

    1. Have to admit that I hadn't watched it either until this year but my eldest son had been raving about it for ages and I finally gave in and watched episode 1...then 2...thennnnnn.....Dammit he was right! I watched 5 years worth in one week dude! My Mrs kept on hearing the theme music and groaning as I muttered "just one more episode..." but now of course I'm back in real time and have to wait for next year to get new episodes - bugger!!! Btw this is Bill (Storie) here - for some reason the blog won't let me use my hotmail address when posting so I have to use my alter ego on chrome to send stuff via the blog - Mike Nicoll is the pen-name I used to use when doing hand drawn art and I used Bill Storie for my CGI stuff in an effort to avoid being pigeon-hold as a CGI-only artist. Seemed like a good idea at the time but it just caused confusion so all my new art is under Storie. Funny how some innocuous decisions end up biting you in the ass innit?

    2. Ah! The Storie behind the name then eh! ha ha. Hi Bill, glad to have you on board as Mike - either way. Yes, it seems that the Star Wars community have taken the Bard to heart. Or is it the other way round. I read a similar crossover last Xmas with a Zombie Christmas Carol. Really well written and an hilarious take on Dickens' spooky tale. Bob Cratchett staggers round shouting "Brains!"

  5. Given that George Lucas basically lifted the story structure from Joseph Cambells work on mythic tales, Shakespeare could easily have written it. Shakey would have been aware of the basic plot points, as they occur in legends and folktales which where ancient in the Bards time - the call to adventure, the quest, the magical weapon, the wise guide, the refusal of the call, the princess, the evil wizard and the ultimate battle from which the hero returns. All concepts which appear in Shakespeare on a regular basis! Doubt he'd have called it Star Wars though, maybe Heavenly Conflict Rages ?

    1. Er, could all 3rd Year Creative Writing students go back to lectures please. Your needed in the main Hall where HP Sauce Lovecraft is about to ketchup with the old Gods.
