Sunday, 27 September 2015


I've always found Sundays a strange day, sandwiched as it is between Saturday and the dreaded start of the working week. The odds are stacked against it being a barrel of laughs.

However, Sunday mornings do hold a kind of quiet aura about them. Maybe its because people sleep in and there's no traffic? This would explain the quiet. I personally think the aura is greatly improved by the smell of grilling bacon!

So, as you can tell, my Sunday mornings these days comprise of simple stuff: hot tea first, some blogging and ebay surfing and then eggs and bacon to kick start my sluggish frame!

By the time I chew the final mouthful I usually have the dog pawing at my leg and a hoover pipe in my hand! Or is it the hoover pawing....

So what you do on Sunday mornings readers?

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