Friday, 21 August 2015


This summer another miniature plastic Project SWORD toy appeared on Yahoo Japan. It was the hitherto unknown Probe Force 1.

In green plastic you can clearly see the characteristic fore-wings, nacelles and forward sweeping tail-fin top.

I did try to secure this toy for the Moonbase collection but competition for plastic miniatures in general in Japan is keen. We have at least the photographic evidence of its existence. This brings the total to 12 toys and adds to the 11 different models already known, 10 of which are at Moonbase [below, discounting colour variants], the other being the Space Glider for which we only have pictures from 3 years ago.

With the emergence of the Probe Force 1, the three-strong Probe Force fleet is fully represented in this line, as are the two of the three Task Forces - just number 1 missing. Both Gliders are featured, Space and Dyna Soar as well as the Apollo Saturn and the Scramble Bug. Two of the three Scouts are part of the range, with only Scout 3 missing. 

As for the Nuclear Ferry, the three Moons [Ranger, Prospector and Bus], Booster Rocket, Cape Kennedy and the mighty Zero-X, only time will tell! 

Does anyone else collect these miniatures readers?

1 comment:

  1. Its not surprising you lost that lot, with that tiny metal plane in there! Love miniature toys, but these are so hard to find, I couldnt consider collecting them properly. Fabulous work finding them!
