Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Earlier in the month I had to sign up for a temporary Google gmail account. I cannot recall why but it must have seemed imperative at the time in order to move cybernetically forward on something or other! I certainly never intended to use gmail.

Last night whilst checking various blog settings I saw that Google had changed my email address at the top of the blog to their new gmail! You what! 

Not wanting this new gmail to appear everywhere I set about trying to change what Google call my 'primary email'. I always forget that Blogger is owned by Google, despite the fact Google ask me to sign in now and then.

Re-setting my email required texts, recovery email addresses and who knows what. I was even asked if I would like to provide a photo and link all my devices to other people so that they know where I am at any time of the day! Sounding far too much like an Orwellian nightmare coming to roost I searched for the real me.

After about an hour of faffing about I managed to get back to my true identity and not Google's. I once more have my old freeserve email address I have had since I started online 20 years ago!

What with Google tracking me, Amazon launching a new food delivery service, Facebook mushrooming and apps appearing out of thin air I am beginning to feel like the Lawnmower Man in a cyber war!

At some point it will all connect and go sentient - like Cyberdine Systems in the Terminator or even worse, like Proteus in Demon Seed. We all know what happened there - the computer gave birth!

With parents like Google, Apple and Facebook - the meganets of Today - God knows what they'll give birth to Tomorrow! 

Sir Tim Berners-Lee must be googling in his flat beer wondering what the hell happened to the free web he invented.


  1. Hear hear!

  2. I do not have or want a Facebook account, amongst other things, I think their application is very badly designed, and I JUST HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO WITH MY LIFE!!! I do not Tweet, birds Tweet, and besides I can't be bothered with all that nonsense of cramming it into less than twelve words! I don't do LinkedIn I've had a real career, and not some portfolio nonsense of 90 jobs in the last six months!

    Really cannot be bothered in the slightest that people with think that I'm a weirdo who potentially must be an Axe-Murderer, because I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in Social Media.

    I have a real life, and not a Google Account.

    Good for you Paul.

  3. Maybe were just getting old Paul! ha ha

  4. How refreshing to hear of somebody in the real media not being bothered by all the e-clutter!

  5. I have the same problem Paul, it drives me mad! Turf wars between Apple, Microsoft and Google...the 'Chrome' thing also grips my proverbial! Firefox is best, free and not-for-profit, why would I want a johnny-come lately...as for Bing's search results...!

  6. ...and the bloody 'Cookies' thing....


  7. I know what you mean Hugh. One of the most sinister developments is where these mega online entities decide they need arms in the real world like Amazon wanting to deliver stuff to the door via drones. It must be my age! Maybe it is the future we all dreamt about!
