Thursday, 9 July 2015


When I was in the Fifth year of secondary school in 1976, that glorious last dash from adolescence to adulthood, we could wear what we wanted. A fabulous reward from the Head, out went the hated uniform and in came the tribal dress of the day, which was dependent on your particular musical tastes.

In my case it was full-on hippy. I was nuts about rock music and my long hair and clobber let everyone know: velvet jacket, cheesecloth shirt, buckle belt, flared cords, desert or monkey boots, looking roughly like this:

Other Fifth year tribal attire at school included Mods, who listened to Soul; Skinheads, who listened to Oi and Poppy kids, who listened to the charts. The scary new kids on the block were the Punks, who after a tectonic struggle for power, eventually ruled the common room, strutting round like zipped Mohicans and booted us hippies out good and proper, along with progressive rock!

What did you wear in your final year of school readers? Was yours a uniform school?

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