Thursday, 2 July 2015


I've always loved plastic novelty toys and as a kid I had quite a few. Many I got from the Ellisdons mail order catalogue but some where bought in normal shops.

One of the strangest and most memorable was a Hillbilly Outhouse. Basically it was a plastic shack with a hatted country boy stood inside. 

On opening the front 'door' and swinging it back the figure would turn round and promptly pee all over you!

After a good soaking you could re-fill the tank by removing a red stopper and by way of a small funnel pour in extra water.

A true classic! Did you have one readers?


  1. I had one exactly like that. The red stopper was fashioned to look like a mushroom I recall, red with white spots. What a bizarre toy.

  2. I do remember something like this but I think it was a friend or neighbor who owned it. Yes, a bizarre toy indeed, but back in the day oddball, weirdly humorous toys and gimmicks were 'in'. My mom had a pink pussycat wall clock with a 'wagging' tail. yecccch Kitsch at its worst!

  3. Yes! the red stopper was a mushroom! I think there were lots of these around. This was harmless fun. There were more brazen variations involving the Mannekin Pis statue. Far more risque were drinks dispensers featuring ladies dressed in negligees but theses were for adults like my Dad and not for kids like me!

  4. Where do you find these anymore? My mom wants one again so bad and I just cans find one!!!

  5. Hi Crystal, I assume you're in the USA. Ebay is the best place. Try searching on the Toys or Collectables categories for Plastic or Novelty Outhouse or weeing boy. There's a hippy version on there now

    Etsy maybe another place to try.
    Best of luck

  6. Hello! I just acquired this novelty and so cool! I own an antiques store and would love to add this too my other plastic old toys but I seem to be missing the funnel. Without this item, what would the value end up being? I would like to have the funnel to complete the toy. So different, I might just keep it!

    1. Hi Unknown, not sure what you mean by the funnel. If its a missing part that's not that visible then maybe replace it yourself with something similar. It may be expensive to find a proper part as you might have to buy another outhouse to do it unless there's one on Ebay for spares only. They went under different names so maybe try searching with different words. I have no idea of the value and don't do valuations sorry. they are novelty items and a lot of them were sold at the time. There are a lot out there.
      Enjoy the toy, Woodsy

  7. Mine was the comment above

  8. I have one. @ Dawns dollar deals

  9. Never tried it out though
