Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Dropping a Clanger

Master modeller Kevin Davies does appreciate a good space ship design, so as a minor diversion from the exacting work of recreating the mighty Zero-X, he built something a little simpler.

Smallfilms wonderful stop motion series, The Clangers has recently been reimagined for a modern audience, but without making any major changes to the classic formula. One of the most imaginiative designs was the 'Music Boat', a small ship which was powered by musical notes. The boat originally appeared in the episode 'Music of the Spheres' and Kevin has crafted his own version which is shown here!

1 comment:

  1. That's quite beautiful. I loved The Clangers as a kid, and now the new series has my two year old nephew hooked. Michael Palin is a great narrator, but I want to see the American version - The great William Shatner is the narrator on that!
