Saturday, 20 June 2015


The latest TAG episode shown in the UK is Heavy Metal which  starts with Alan and Brains visiting the Quantum Research  Centre,  home of the Supreme Hadron Collider.

Brains meets up with his lab partner from his old Cambridge days, Professor Moffat who is carrying out research into gravitons - the superglue of the universe!

Things start to go wrong after Alan presses the start button to smash a few atoms!

There's plenty going on in this story. It's full of scientific gobbledegook and is obviously  based on the theoretical fear that the real Higgs Boson Large Hadron Collider was going to create its own Black Hole and suck everything into it when it started  crashing particles into each other.

In Heavy Metal, a gravity well is formed in the Graviton Generator,  which incidently reminds me of the spacecraft in the film Contact. This begins to suck things into it like orbital satellites and passing aircraft.

Enter International Rescue, in which all their vehicles are used, except TB 3, although a previous TB3 manuverour is used by TB 1 to get out of a tricky situation.  All the Tracy brothers have a part to play  with Gordon coming up with the final solution.
Oh,  and we see that Brains still has a crush on Prof Moffat !

The end titles do credit Elaine Kelman. which I'm assuming is the same lady who works at the Michael Palin Centre helping  children and young adults with stammering.

All in all another fun episode which will no doubt  hold the kids attention for 22 minutes.  

1 comment:

  1. Looks great Scoop! I love the title! And the setting, the Hadron Collider, very futuristic and modern at the same time. I've not seen this episode yet but will catch up with it later. We have the technology!
