Tuesday, 30 June 2015


In the shops are kids comics called Octonauts. With the comics you get free gifts, which are usually vehicles, around the same scale as SpaceX. The latest one is a cool lime green ATV, which looks really nifty. I can't find a picture of it but here's a previous issue:

A sort of sea rover, the base looks remarkably like one I've seen on the Mole!


  1. I've watched an episode of Octonauts when it was picked up by the Disney Channel in the States. It was exceedingly soft and unthreatening in that way timid adults think kids prefer, but actual kids get bored by. But I liked that the show has been done in consultation with marine biologists and depicts actual sea creatures. The realism in Finding Nemo made a big impact on kids learning the names of many different species and developing an interest in the ocean, so making the effort at research really is worthwhile. I could imagine an updated Stingray that's as exciting as the original but even more based in real ocean exploration and science being a success today.

  2. Timid kids TV, that's an interesting observation Richard. I suppose we had it was a kid in the Sixties - Watch with Mother, Chigley, Trumpton, Tales from the Riverbank - not sure I thought they were timid at the time but looking back they were safe for sure. This was countered by stuff like Marine Boy, Thunderbirds and more factual stuff like Jacques Cousteau and Survival. Modern timidness leaps out with Teletubbies and then In the Night Garden!
