Thursday, 25 June 2015


I've always loved collecting board games, even though I'm not keen on playing them. I used to buy them by the sackful from Car Boot Sales in the Nineties.

Some of the beautiful board games that have passed through Moonbase airlock over the years are pictured here including some really gorgeous Batman games and activity sets. 

I love the box art on Board Games boxes and have two brilliant books, Board Games and More Board Games by Desi Scarpone [just look at his collection!] and the book Spin Again and a magazine of the same name by Rick Polizzi [again, check out his amazing collection].

Have you got a favourite Board game or board game box readers? Pictures welcomed.

More board games to come.


  1. Ah Ghost Castle, or actually Haunted House when I had one when it was sold by Denys Fisher. Ghost Castle was the later rebranded name. Hours of fun.

  2. I loved Haunted House Yorkie too. Drop it down the chimney! One of the witches was called Gertie I seem to recall. Ace game.
