Friday, 5 June 2015


Inspired by the amazing Thunderbirds scale chart by Chris Thompson helpfully flagged up by reader Jim, I thought I'd start on a similar Project SWORD scale chart. Yikes I hear you shout! Me too!

I have tried this herculean task before a few years back but did not research the sizes, rather relying on my own instinct to keep it easy peasy! You can just about tell that I thought that Saturn V [grey horizontal outline] was a touch bigger than Zero-X [brown horizontal outline].

I couldn't have been more wrong! Using agreed sizes gleaned from the internet here is the beginnings of my Project SWORD scale chart. Not perfect by any means but a start I reckon. 

Zero-X is three times taller than the Saturn V [Apollo Saturn/ Cape Kennedy Set] and astronomical compared to the tiny Dyna Soar! PS. The Starship Enterprise in the original Star Trek TV series wasn't that far off the Zero X at 948 feet or 289m. The modern film versions are two and half times bigger than Zero-X!

Do you know of any other definitive sizes for Project SWORD vehicles, either from the Annual or the comics or anywhere? Maybe NASA for the Space Glider, Moon Prospector etc? These may of course have been ignored in SOLO, TV21 and the Annual!

Even original pictures and illustrations comparing them to the Zero-X, Saturn V or indeed any of the Thunderbirds fleet would help as we know the sizes for all of them.

C'mon readers, we can do it!

POSTSCRIPT: Thanks to eagle-eyed Mr. Vreede I've added the lengths of both the Nuclear Ferry and the Dyna Soar. The Nuclear Ferry, in NASA terms, is surprisingly small compared to the ginormous Zero-X. This may of course be different in SOLO and TV21.

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