Monday, 25 May 2015


The three legged LP dome seems to be relatively scarce. I had a good look in my photo archive for any more pictures of the little leggy fellow. The earliest mention of three legs on the blog way way back was to do with the top picture from Bill's window sill. Top right there is an unusual three legged space station, the history of which Bill will have to remind us of.

I did manage to find some more three legged domes too so hold on your milk stools and here goes:

Mikephil carded set 1 [Astronit collection]

Mikephil carded set 2 [Ebay]

Mikephile carded set 3 [R. Godwin collection]

Close-up of above three legged dome ship

SpaceX/ LP mixture [Ebay]

SpaceX/ LP mixture [Ebay] - purple moonscape: Kozmic Kiddles?

LP bundle [Ebay]

Does anyone actually own a three legged LP dome ship? Pictures and information welcomed!


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand4/07/2020 4:03 am

    Love the purple moonscape, were there other colours ?

    1. Ive never been sure what the purple moonscape was from Paul to be honest. I had thought it was a Kozmic Kiddles base but its not
