Friday, 29 May 2015


Below is the NOVA III by Tarheel Industries of Tarboro, better known to us  for their Project SWORD US copies.

It's one of three NOVA's that formed the series pictured belows: I, II and III: II being a pink Thunderbird 3 lookalike and I a green jet similar to the Spacex HAWK.

The blog covered the origin of NOVA III earlier in 2009, which you can read here and on the Space 1999 Forum here

In short the NOVA II is for a short time THUNDERBIRD 6!

At least, its  one of Brains' Thunderbird 6 designs - the red craft at the bottom of the picture below. I don't think the other two designs were ever made as toys. Or?

Here it is once more

and on the floor!

You can see footage of Brains trashing the yellow design in the film about half an hour in here courtesy of You Tube.

I can't find footage of him smashing up the silver jet. Does he?

Brains trashes the red NOVA III design as well around the 43 minute mark here. Do you think that these models are made of wood readers?

In a strange quirk of synchronicity, my favourite wishbone ash song is Throw Down Your Sword and they even mention a NOVA in the first line of the singing here! ha ha


  1. Brains smashes his silver machine at about 37 minutes and 25 seconds in.

    (And the soundtrack for this comment has to be "Silver Machine" by Hawkwind!)

  2. Cheers Richard. Yes, Hawkwind for sure. I reckon Brains would have gone to Glastonbury Festival! ha ha. I have a photo of the cable machine Brains builds - its on a TB6 Cinema lobby card.
