Wednesday, 27 May 2015


Some more of the photos I took of mega model maker David Sisson's display at Andercon last year.

I'm always happy to see models from UFO, especially ones we don't see too many examples of. Case in point, this Moon Mobile. 

There's never a shortage of Thunderbird models at any Gerry Anderson convention, but models of Thunderbird 5 are usually in the minority.

The Angel Interceptor from Captain Scarlet. As with most of David's models, this one appears studio scale.

The sleek Thunderbird 1. I kinda like the choice of lettering on the side of the hull. 

The FAB 1 Rolls Royce. I believe this model was used in a Swinton Insurance advert, 'Parker's Day Off'. I'm told it got damaged on one side, so it was photographed with the filming was reversed, hence the 'Doppelgänger' FAB 1 number plate.

Most people's favourite Thunderbird!

Everybody's favourite super sub!

The Shado Mobile.

And finally, I couldn't resist another photo of David's fabulous Zero X.

1 comment:

  1. Fab Scoop. Seeing your pics is like actually being at the con! Well, almost! Thanks for sharing last years, Can't wait to see this years reportage. David's OX is simply awesome. Wonder if he's got a C21 toy version!
