Wednesday, 1 April 2015


It seems TV executives impressed by the incredible interest in the upcoming new Thunderbirds are Go series are looking to option more of Gerry’s creations, as well as surprisingly, a proposed Catch or Kill CGI series.

When building up reference for the new Thunderbirds series, many of the researchers drew on material from Gerry Anderson's City Magazine publications from the mid sixties,and in particular TV21.

Most of the researchers weren't born when the original Thunderbirds was shown and thought that the TV21 Catch or Kill adventure strip was based on a forgotten puppet show that Gerry had produced.

Producers soon discovered that Catch or Kill was just a stand-alone comic strip drawn by John Burns, but were impressed by the character of futuristic adventurer Crag Gorton and his interplanetary zoo on the island of Locus.

For those unfamiliar with the character, Crag Gorton and his assistant, Kipper are employed to catch or kill any wild creature in the universe, and those creatures are usually big ,deadly and lizard-like.  His adventures began in issue 90 of TV21 and proved popular with readers.

As the strip featured alien Dinosaur type creatures, and what with current CGI technology able to recreate believable effects, producers imagine that this could be a case of Gerry Anderson meets Jurassic Park!

Understandably very few details about the proposed series have been released apart from a working title of' 'Locus'


  1. Nice one Scoop. Posted 1st April eh? :)

  2. Sounds good to me! Hope Kipper doesn't get smoked! ha ha

  3. Ha, ha! Can't April fool you Yorkie. Be an interesting prospect though if it were true. Woodsy would obviously plump for a Project Sword TV series!

  4. Its a small world. I've just picked up an annual to browse [I won't say where!] and it has Catch or Kill and the Lake Monster in it! Anderdipity!

  5. April fool or not, you should pitch this... I think you've hit upon a really good pitch for ITV Studios "Thunderbirds meets Jurassic Park". It’s a textbook movie/TV Pitch. It is so simple, direct and "piggy backs" on to some thing that has made tons of money before. Like back in the late 1970s Dan O’Bannon’s pitch for Alien was said to be "Jaws in Space".
    You should do it before somebody else does.

    Kind Regards and keep up the excellent work, this blog is fantastic from The Tutor
