Monday, 13 April 2015


I know Lego is quite popular with a lot of you, I remember when my son was a youngster Christmas wouldn't have been Christmas without him getting a new Lego toy and spending part of Christmas morning putting it together. 

These were some of the superb Lego creations that were on display at last year's Andercon, all built by the talented members of the Brickish Association and all built in glorious Legovision.

A large Thunderbird 2 model built by Gary Davis, and probably around the same size as one of the original studio models.

Complete with three Elevator Cars.

Thunderbird 4 built by Warren Elsmore.

A Spectrum Hovercraft from the Captain Scarlet episode,' Traitor'. This was built by Naomi Farr.

This smaller model of Terrahawk and Battletank was built by Tim Goddard.

As a bit of a post script, reader Kevin Davis recently put together this fine little 'nanoblock' model of the Space Shuttle. The bricks being a lot smaller than Lego meant an occasional bout of cramp for our Kev.


  1. Lovely stuff, Mike!

    I remember building out of Lego the large Air Force jet that IR rescued in the Viewmaster reels we had (and so could consult at length). All in blue because Lego didn't exist in green then. And crashing the thing to bits after a week or two when I wanted to build something else.

    The other thing that Mr Meddings inspired, was building large industrial complexes out of Lego, complete with hidden headquarters inside. Which then got assaulted, doors blown open, and ultimately destroyed with leftover fire crackers from New Year's eve. I still have some blackened (and occasionally slightly melted) bricks from those days, which I'll never clean just to keep those memories intact.

    Thanks for reminding me of all that!

    Best -- Paul

  2. It's certainly one of those toys that never goes out of style, Paul.

  3. Spot of Stingray perhaps?
