Saturday, 25 April 2015


Another brief rundown of the latest Thunderbirds are Go episode without giving too much away.
As the title suggests, the Fireflash is the featured aircraft,  and the plot takes elements from the original Thunderbirds story, Trapped in the Sky.
Out of all the episodes so far, I enjoyed this the most, although unlike the original series, I really don't get that feature film feel from it. It's still a glossy  cartoon to me.
I'm still not conformable with the  producers  insisting  on filming the models as models,  particularly from above  which constantly upsets the willing suspension of disbelief, although, to be fair  there are the occasional  nice shots too.
The high point for me, though  was hearing some of  Barry Gray's original incidental music during the episode.


  1. I enjoyed the episode and I agree there are some nice shots, such as Fireflash and TB1 in flight together but others, such as TB2's touchdown in the desert, where the low Sun angle really made it look like a cartoon.

  2. I agree Kevin. Although it's very slick and state of the art, I don't know why the producers have decided on the Postman Pat look

  3. Great to hear Barry Gray's music again, Agree with Scoop about the Postman Pat look though! Why?

  4. The opening scene over the airport was gorgeous, until they pulled out to show the horizon, the depth of field cut off so abruptly, i expected Scoops cat to come marchin in along the back! Its odd how they go to so much detail, such as the eggshell finish on the skintones in closeup and the mach envelope as tb1 goes transonic, but then fudge big details like the hamfisted landing.

  5. Interesting re-design of Fireflash. If only Airbus (or Doeing/Buglas) would build a HST, we folks Up Over could go visit Oz (or eNZed) in less than a day!
