Saturday, 11 April 2015


Just watched Thunderbirds are Go episode 3 on iPlayer. I didn't get up in time for the 8am showing! What did I think? I thought this episode was excellent and I really enjoyed it.

Tension was there in spades and like Kevin says they've got the pace just right. The music fitted perfectly this time too. 

The space vessels were phenomenal and the increase in spaceships is a welcome bonus in this series so far. Like Star Wars meets Thunderbirds!

Parker showed his metal this time as well and does a stint as spiderman! 

I love the faded graphics on the end titles too. I assume that they're concept art for the show?

So, no spoilers, you'll just have to watch. I hope our overseas friends can too somehow. Enjoy.


  1. I really enjoy the show, the level of detail on the ships is brilliant, from all the little external notations like 'vent' and 'jet exhaust' to the cloud halo round TB1 as it goes transonic. Obviously, suspension of disbelief is needed with the classic elastic time countdown, but it was great to see the usual night streetlamp lit scenes, so reminiscent of Anderson and a bit of Airfix girder bridge for good measure! Best part is no bloody commercials!

  2. We just watched it. I actually thought this was significantly better than last week's pilot..nice touch with the end credit music too.

    The wife was well impressed. Even more so than me, sharon enjoys this more than the original.

  3. Oh you lucky guys! Will take ages to land the IR in Scandinavia

  4. I just finished watching it. It had a much better pace and did not seem frantic like the first 2 episodes. I do feel there was a bit over crowding in some many spaceships and they all seemed to have been the same model which didn't seem quite right. Parker is once again my fave character. My only complaint this week was how do you tow things through re-entry?

  5. Is it easy getting in overseas Lance?

  6. I meant to say getting 'it' overseas! doh!

  7. I am not having an issue getting the episodes. They are available a few hours after being broadcast and are very crisp and clear.
