Saturday, 18 April 2015


Without giving too much away, this latest TAG episode Crosscut is , to my mind a better episode than last weeks,  Space Race.

It features Thunderbird 1 & 2 and almost a cameo of the Mole.  The intriguing thing about the Mole is Virgil has to assemble it inside the Pod, prior to the 'rescue'. Later  in the episode  we see another Pod vehicle which  seems to use similar components to the Mole. Are the Pod vehicles mix and match  I wonder.

I am getting a little more used to the look of the show and some of the model sets are looking better than previously seen, but those deliberate out of focus  depth of field shots are still grating to me.

Although I'm trying not to, I do find myself comparing it to the classic series.  John in Thunderbird 5 just seems to spend his time monitoring the Earth and looking for potential problems. Do traditionally authorities not bother? I'm still waiting for someone to just call International Rescue on his or her mobile phone and say I'm in a fix , please rescue me!


  1. The models sets look great and the CG of the TB machines themselves was very impressive. BUT the CG mole and dozer (was it the new Firefly?) were awful. They looked just like toys. Derek Meddings and his team always tried to make the machines look as realistic as possible. Didn't always work for them but in this episode I thought I was watching Postman Pat or Thomas the Tank Engine in places. :)

  2. I agree with you, Yorkie. The Mole was a bit of a disappointment for me, it looked quite unimpressive. To be honest I'm still seeing an uneasy mix between CGI and proper models.

  3. Re. the top picture, the panel detail on TB2 just doesn't stand up to that magnification!

  4. Just watched Crosscut on ITVPlayer. Alas, I thought it was boring to be frank. Not a patch on Space Race last week. Why was it called Crosscut? OK, this episode had a rescue but they basically rescued just one person. The threat of nuclear catastrophe just wasn't real enough, the tension wasn't there. The best bits as always were the vehicles themselves and the final shot of a fleet of ATV's and a VTOL were the best. Obviously in a series of 26 episodes there will be highs and lows, so I look forward to next week's Thunderbirds Are Go.

  5. I thought it was ok and TB1 & 2 looked a bit better this time. It just isn't wowing and it could've done. Crosscut was what the miner called a type of connecting tunnel.
