Tuesday, 7 April 2015


With the third episode 'Space Race' due to air this coming Saturday on UK  TV  at the controversial time of 8.00 am in the morning, Thunderbirds are Go is riding high on generally positive reviews, despite the understandable negativity from some older fans.

Strangly, some of the reviews have applauded the fact that the series is not simply pandering to nostalgia , and has given a new generation their version.

That being said , there's naturally been several nods to the original series, especially the countdown voiced by the late Peter Dyneley. Another tribute will be a forthcoming episode which will apparently  retell the original pilot episode, Trapped in the Sky which featured the futuristic airliner, Fireflash. 

Here's a couple of screen grabs from the new series episode called  Fireflash which will definitely get us older fans taking.


  1. Looks amazing Scoop! Hope they bring out a toy version! I always thought JR21 should have done. I'll be up at 8am on Saturday with a bowl of coco pops like I did in '67!

  2. I'm extremely impressed with the premiere and certainly look forward to future episodes.
