Tuesday, 14 April 2015


Play School was a Kids TV show which aired during the 1960's. I remember watching it a lot as a youngster and I recall it being a sort of British Sesame Street, although I'm unsure of the time-line for the two programmes.

Play School was for smaller children and was essentially good clean fun. Lots of singing, dolls, soft toys, counting, telling the time [analog!] and the like. No fighting and violence here! 

The main gimmick I recall was to do with windows: the show took us through either the round or square window at the start although I have no idea why. I know my Dad used to say through the broken window just at the right moment!

Characters on the show included many different hippified young people, rather like how they were on Magpie. The only one I remember is Brian Cant, who went on to do the similar Play Away and Fingerbobs I think.

Lots of toys appeared as staples: Big Ted, Little Ted, Gemima the doll and Humpty spring to mind. Not sure of they were available as toys in their own right or whether the production team used existing toys.

I did love Play School and it formed an important part of the vast colourful tapestry of my Sixties TV watching.

Did you watch it where you were in the world? Here's a short reminder of its simple old school magic via the modern magic of You Tube.

1 comment:

  1. Play School ran from 1964, right through to 1988, Woodsy, so it had a good run. It was Rick Jones (not the Hulk's pal) who presented Fingerbobs, 'though he had also presented Playschool as well - in fact, he began his TV career with the programme.
