Tuesday, 17 March 2015


I happened to be watching STAR CRASH last night, a blatant but oddly enjoyable knockoff of Star Wars. Starring Seventies pin-up Caroline Munro and lots of fun model kit mash-ups, it also features the above 'head in a dome'. 

For some reason it made me think of the domed pilot at the rear of the SWORD space glider knockoff, the Space Tract by Mego [not THE Mego, a different one]. There's no real similarity now I can see them both but aliens and spacemen in domes are a staple of Sci-Fi. Are there any more from either movies or toys you can think of readers?

And do you own a Space Tract? And just what is a 'tract'?

1 comment:

  1. Love Star Crash. So bad it's good and it's got the lovely Caroline Munro (though voice dubbed). Another fun Star Wars ripoff from the same time is the Italian 'The Humanoid' with Richard ('Jaws') Kiel.
