Monday, 9 March 2015


Something a little different. I'm just coming out of a second Tolkien phase so I thought I'd have a quiz on the old boy's Lord of the Rings. The drill - TWO answers per reader to start with my precious!

1. What's the name of Bilbo Baggins's house in Hobbiton?
2. Where do the three Hobbits first see Strider in Bree?
3. The Wringwraiths are also known as what?
4. On which hill is Frodo stabbed by the Witch King?
5. What are the Nazgul?
6. Aragorn's ancestor defeated Sauron in the Second Age. What was his name?
7. What is the symbol of Gondor?
8. In the movie, what does Boromir say when when he cuts his finger on the broken sword?
9. What is the language of Mordor called?
10. The all-seeing glass orbs are known as?
11. How is the tower of Saruman referred to in the centre of Isengard?
12. Name the magical chain-mail of the elves.
13. Aragorn comes from which race of Men?
14. What does saruman create from combining Orcs and Men?
15. Where is the Riddermark?
16. Name the capital of Rohan.
17. Before he became Gollum, what was his name?
18. Where does the Balrog dwell?
19. What is the name of the giant spider?
20. The shards of Narsil refer to what?

NB. Pictures of your Tolkien toys and collectables always welcomed.


  1. #1 Bag End.#2The Inn of the Prancing Pony.

  2. Both correct Brian. Looks like you're on your own at the mo!

  3. 3) Nazgûl
    4) Amon Sûl / Weathertop

  4. All correct Lance! As this quiz isn't popular why don't you and Brian do half each?
