Tuesday, 24 March 2015


Scoop's excellent post on Century 21 Props had me completely fascinated. I had no idea that so much C21 stuff found new homes. Being a novice in this area I decided to have a dig around myself. This is what I've found out so far, these are quotes from various websites. There seem to be two different views on it: that the BBC bought loads of old C21 props and/or a new company was set up called Century 21 Film Props. Which is correct? Both?

1. Century 21 Film Props - IMDB

2. Gerry Anderson started a company "21 Film Props" with Don Fagan [SHADO Forum 2010]

3. Don Fagan and Terry Curtis worked at Bourne End not far from Cookham and Marlowe. This "indicates that they were probably outsourced as contractors by Gerry Anderson, but why they had the name 'Century 21 Props' I don't know - maybe Anderson funded them independently." [SHADO Forum 2010]

4. Books mentioning Century 21 Props include BBC VFX ISBN: 9781845135560 and The Complete Book of Gerry Anderson's UFO ISBN: 9781903111659

5. The construction of the BIG RAT model, meanwhile, was entrusted to the newly formed incorporated company Century 21 Props[41][49] (or Electronics),[45] which was responsible for the various gadgets that appeared in the series and was based in Bourne End in Buckinghamshire.[l 2][45] Wikipedia

6. In the early 70s the BBC special effects department bought up a whole load of Century 21 props, models and mobile set pieces, so they appeared dotted throughout the series in the 70s, disguised or in their original state. Pertwee's sonic screwdriver is a reworked ratchet screwdriver from the Gerry Anderson film "Thunderbirds Are Go!" [pictured below via You Tube] DoctorWhoToys.Net 2014

7. Monday 17 April 1972: Jack Kine confirmed to Barry Letts that no models 
from Thunderbirds would be used in the model filming since they were too well
known; only heavily cannibalised Century 21 props would appear. Later, on 31 
July, the Doctor Who office asked for John Friedlander to cast the Draconian 
and Ogron masks. Contrary to an article in The Sun, the Draconian masks werenot based on a cast of comedian Dave Allen's head.

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