Saturday 14 February 2015


As the premiere of the new Thunderbirds Are Go series creeps slowly closer and with it, the  release of Vivid's toy range here's some more pics we may or may not have seen from various internet and social media sources that include a photo of the new Thunderbird 3 toy and it's curious grab arms.

Still waiting for FAB 1, although I have read a few unconfirmed rumours on social media that something might be revealed in the not too distant future!


  1. Great pics Scoop. All the craft are looking good. the extended arms of the TB3 do look a bit odd, but its for a new generation so they won't know any different. Wonder of Vivid kept their designs from the mid 1990's?

  2. Guys, If you are able to see a copy of the very early Thunderbirds book called The Target, you'll see a painting of TB3 fitted with almost an identical attachment of "Grab Arms." - At a guess, I'd say some people at WETA have literally gone through practically everything, even the stuff in print.

    Perhaps we'll get to see the Pod Vehicle Deep Sea Bathyscaphe "Whale" too?

  3. Amazing Bill. And there's me thinking they'd made it up for the newbies! ha ha.

  4. Im more and more encouraged. Id like to see The Crab pod vehicle, from the tbirds annual with red yellow cover and TB2 on the front

  5. The swing arms on TB3 make me wonder if the square thruster rocket sections on the bottom are meant to be detachable? That would be a pretty radical change!
