Saturday, 28 February 2015


Dictionary of Argentinian Toys

Pictures and translation courtesy of reader Marcos Fernandes of Argentina

"Bichi srl: plastic and metal cars (1958-1972) 

Almost by chance or as a deserved reward for persistence, antique hunters found in the late nineties an integrated stock by dozens of boxes of remains of what had been a toy factory: auto parts, incomplete parts, friction mechanisms and hundreds of stickers. 

They were the remnants of the firm Bichi SRL, founded around 1950 by Augusto Blanco and the brothers Enrique, Luis and Carlos Chialchia , which produced cars, mainly friction in a workshop in 3931 Cabrera Street, and reached its greatest popularity in the years sixties. 

For a brief period, collectors, always attentive to the rewards usually granted lso this impromptu outbursts of urban archeology, supiero exploit the recurrence of classic cars, revived in all its glory to be assembled and decorated, as before, with decals steam. 

In May 1960, the firm turned under Bianco &; Society Coleciva cía category, brand and Bichi records throughout the decade produce plastic parts and metal, including highlights curious Murcielauto (Batcar) and  Murciel-lancha (Murciel-boat)  argentine appropriations of bati vehicles- well drawn to avoid paying royalties, the Cipol Agent Car and Planetary Explorer Bichi (after ). 

In the mid-seventies, society-was already SRL reinvents itself as SRL, composed of the same owners, they continued to produce nearly the same models but with Carlos V and Chibi brands _ at its plant in Cambet St 1243, Jose Leon Suarez, Buenos Aires, until 1982." 

Book information:
Daniela Pelegrinelli, (author) Diccionario de Juguetes Argentinos, infancia, industria y educación 1880-1965, El juguete Ilustrado Editor, Buenos Aires, 2010.

This book is out of print. It's great. I know the publisher, If you want a book I can get you one.

Keep in touch


1 comment:

  1. Some valuable information here Marcos, as now we know that Bichi preceded Chibi. A surprise also that Chibi brand came so late as mid-70's.
