Saturday 7 February 2015


I'm visiting London this year so during some research I was sad to learn that the store Comet Miniatures had closed. I first came across them in the late Eighties, when they advertised in Model Mart mag. 

It was always a huge full-page advert with tons of pictures of models and was always dead exciting to see. I wanted to visit to say thanks for all the good times on the early morning bus to work!

Where would you go in London to see old toys readers and have you memories of Comet Miniatures?


  1. I was never in the shop, but bought a few things from proprietor Tony James by post (back in the '90s) and chatted on the 'phone a few times. He was always very friendly, regaling me with a few jokes that went on for ever. I hear he'll be continuing an internet business called Timeless Hobbies and still attending toy fairs and swap-meets.

  2. Can't help you I'm afraid. I used to go to Gray's Antique Market (behind Sth Molton Street - Bond St tube) which I tend to describe as one of the repositories of the wealth of the British Empire. Used to be four-five stalls with old toys, but last time I went only one was left (old trains mostly) who was busy listing stuff on epay...
    I'll still visit because it's wonderful to see what's there and the dealers are enthusiastic and friendly (as opposed to most of their continental colleagues) and they also have things that'll fit a more modest budget. I just won't expect to see any toys there anymore.
    (and lo-o-ong time ago there were some old toys shops around Portobello Road market, but you'd have to check if any of those are still there)

    Best -- Paul

  3. Went to Comet Miniatures once, probably in the 1990s. I remember it as a relatively small shop, packed with kits etc. although they didn't seem to have as much variety on display as seen in the adverts.

    Don't forget the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood; although I went there mostly to see the toy soldier collections, and arrived soon after the Britain's family had taken back all their lead soldiers etc. (a complete run of everything I believe) to sell at auction. Apparently when Museums say something is "on loan" this means it may yet disappear.

  4. Try Greenwich market, I've seen old toys there in the last year or so.

  5. Thanks everyone for all your tips! I'm very grateful! Looking forward to it!
